箱根 茶屋本陣 畔屋

Hakone Chaya Honjin Hotoriya

四季を問わず観光で賑わう箱根・芦ノ湖の畔に位置する商業施設「茶屋本陣 畔屋(ほとりや)」。海賊船の船着場のすぐ近くにあり、東海道に面する。2階には芦ノ湖を一望できる和カフェ、1階にはお土産物物販店、老舗物販店が軒を連ね、湖から東海道まで通り抜けることができる賑わいを計画した。耐久性を考慮して鉄骨造でありながら、箱根という土地になじむ和の意匠で構成した。箱根に原生する植栽を、どの季節も楽しめるように配した庭園があり、観光客のみならず地域の方々にも長く愛される施設を目指した。


Commercial facility located on the banks of Hakone · Ashinoko which is crowded with sightseeing regardless of the four seasons (Chaya Honjin Hotoriya). It is located near of the pirate ship’s dock and faces the Tokaido. On the second floor there is a Japanese cafe where you can see Lake Ashinoko, a souvenir store and a long-established retail store on the first floor, and designed a crowd that could pass through from the lake to the Tokaido. Considering the durability, it is a steel structure, but it consists of a design of Japanese that adapts to the land called Hakone. There is a garden where planting which is native to Hakone is arranged so that we can enjoy every season, we aimed not only for tourists but also for local people.